
abawchen's graffiti

18 Dec 2017

GitLab CI Part 2

In the Part 1, we have the big picture of the GitLab CI, and this is will guide you in setting gitlab runner to excute the pipeline jobs.


  • GitLab server

    GitLab 10.1.4
    GitLab Shell 5.9.3
    GitLab Workhorse v3.2.0
    GitLab API v4
    Gitaly 0.43.1
    Git 2.13.6
    Ruby 2.3.5p376
    Rails 4.2.8
    postgresql 9.6.5
  • Runner os version

    System Version: macOS 10.13.2 (17C88)
    Kernel Version: Darwin 17.3.0
  • GitLab runner(after installation)

    Version:      10.2.0
    Git revision: 0a75cdd1
    Git branch:   10-2-stable
    GO version:   go1.8.3
    Built:        Wed, 22 Nov 2017 09:20:25 +0000
    OS/Arch:      darwin/amd64


  • Download the binary (currently brew install is not supported yet)

    sudo curl --output /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner \
  • Give it permissions to execute:

    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner
  • Register the runner

    Regarding GitLab instance URL and registration token, you can find them at Settings > CI / CD > Runner settings

    GitLab Runner settings

  • Install the Runner as service and start it:

    cd ~
    gitlab-runner install --working-directory $(pwd)
    gitlab-runner start

    I specify --working-directory here that I can run gitlab-runner by current user and use it home directory as the workspace. And I just ingore following warning message cause I don’t want to run it as root.

    WARNING: Running in user-mode.
    WARNING: Use sudo for system-mode:
    WARNING: $ sudo gitlab-runner...

    And you can get more sub-command by:

    gitlab-runner --help
  • For more detail, you can checkout the official document

Til next time,
abawchen at 15:27